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Pujato ELIZABETH WHITE, born in the town of Diamante, Entre Rios province in Argentina on 03 June 1957, currently residing in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Capital Argentina.

He began studying drawing and painting in the province of Formosa, north of Argentina with Roque Eymann, at the Instituto Superior de Arte "Oscar Alberto Albertazzi."

Further refined in the city of Buenos Aires with the...

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15.75 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 15.75 in
15.75 x 23.62 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
23.62 x 31.50 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
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Pujato ELIZABETH WHITE, born in the town of Diamante, Entre Rios province in Argentina on 03 June 1957, currently residing in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires Capital Argentina.

He began studying drawing and painting in the province of Formosa, north of Argentina with Roque Eymann, at the Instituto Superior de Arte "Oscar Alberto Albertazzi."

Further refined in the city of Buenos Aires with the following teachers: ZACARIAS Rosa, Margarita Briglia, Balbina LIGHTOWLER, Beatriz Caicedo, Willi BERUTTIi, among others.

A completed course "Certificate in studying brushes" with Maria Marta Rossi, president of the FDPA

Participated in seminars on "Acrylic and Oil" with Silvia Monge, María Marta Morelli, Ana Maria and Pamela Paravic Piedecasas.

Recognized as Official Artist of Royal & Langnickel.

IX participated in the Argentina of Decorative Painting Convention, held in Buenos Aires from 19 to 23 September 2007.

The works have been exhibited at the Art Institute "Oscar Alberto Albertazi" in 2004 and 2005.

In the "Feria de San Telmo Art" 2008.

In the Popular Library of the City of Diamond Eentre Ríos Province, in the Exhibition entitled "FAMILY" in October 2008.

In the ART GALLERY OF NATIONS INTERNATIONAL, the exhibition named "X NATIONAL HALL OF VISUAL ARTS - BUENOS AIRES 2009" in May 2009. Getting in such circumstances honorable mention for his work "LOOKS"

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